


Be yourself in any language!

The family of European projects Glottodrama (2008/2014), all developed with the financial support of the Lifelong Learning  Programme, has introduced a new methodology to teach foreign languages through Drama. This method was conceived to overcome the most common problems related to the acquisition of oral skills in foreign language learning. The main idea was to challenge some long lasting and deeply rooted prejudices or pedagogical mistakes: the confusion between “language competence” and “communicative competence”, the separation in language learning  between verbal codes and no-verbal codes, the overvaluation of written work and grammar study, the undervaluation of an active role of the students in the learning process, the lack of creativity and use of imagination in many class activities, the inadequate self- motivation of many students who fail to reach the expected objectives.  


The Glottodrama method tries to overcome these problems through a holistic approach to language learning in which “mind” and “body” are both fully involved as it happens in any real communication situation.  The pedagogical assumptions of the method can be summarized in the formula of a communicative approach with a humanistic-affective orientation.

The three international partnerships through which the Glottodrama Projects were developed were composed and recomposed according to the different linguistic and pedagogical skills that each objective required. 

Partner City and Nation

Project Glottodrama

Project GLO-DISS 

GLO-TOI Project
Agenzia di ricerca Novacultur
Rome – Italy
Università di Tor Vergata  Rome – Italy
Istituto Comprensivo D.Manin Rome – Italy
Accademia Nazionale Arte Drammatica S.D’Amico – associated partner Rome – Italy
Association CREI Paris – France
Formation linguistique Langues Plurielles – Parigi Paris – France
Université Paris I Sorbonne
associated partner 
Paris – France
University of Bucarest Bucarest – Romania
Foundation EuroEd Iasi – Romania
University Tömer Ankara – Turkey
Consulting Company Euroinform Sofia – Bulgaria
Linguistic centre “Perugia” Athens – Greece
Linguistic centre CIAL Lisbon – Portugal
Universidad Polotecnica UPV Valencia – Spain