About us

The International Language Academy is a Research and Language Training Agency based in Fermo (Marche Region). Our agency operates in Italy since 1987 although it has changed its denominations and operational headquarters over time. In over 30 years of activity, our agency has participated as a coordinator or as a partner in several educational projects under the main European programmes: Lingua, Socrates, Leonardo Da Vinci, Lifelong Learning, Erasmus +. Among the realized initiatives we remember above all the organization of Expolingua Roma, an exhibition-congress that during the 90s contributed to internationalize the world of Italian language with the support from the Ministry of Public Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the first community programmes in the field of education.
Our agency has also published and spread the first language review in Italy and abroad, addressed to teachers of Italian as a foreign language: Culturiana. Founded in 1989, this review has accompanied the development of this sector for 20 years, being a cultural witness and protagonist.
At the beginning of the new millennium, we decided to invest our energies especially in the field of language teaching, creating and coordinating an international team of educational institutions, linguists, educationalists and language teachers. From these researches, comes to life the Glottodrama Method© for teaching foreign languages trough Drama. The method is experiencing a growing success and is applied to the teaching of different languages: Italian, English, Portuguese, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish.
Today, our Research and Language Training Agency has transferred its activity in an academic context, in a university for linguistic mediators. It contributes to the renewal of pedagogical programmes, by experimenting and introducing solutions to improve the effectiveness of the communication approach, especially where sophisticated linguistic skills together with digital skills are required.
A patient research work on educational forms and multisensory cognitive strategies that, over time, has turned our agency into a national and European reference point in the field of Performing Arts Applied to Language Learning, a role which was consolidated with the foundation of the homonymous European association. For the high quality of the research work and the originality of the educational solutions, the Glottodrama© Project has been awarded twice, in 2010 and 2014, with the European Label for Languages and the consequent Training Seminars for Teachers with GINCO Award in 2012.